
Baptism is the rite by which we become Christians.

Infant Baptism

At St Mary’s we will be glad to welcome you and your child for baptism – whether you are new to the church or have been part of the congregation for a while.  We normally have baptisms about once a month and these happen on a Sunday either after the main service at about 12.30 or on special Sundays as part of the main service (which gives the wider congregation a chance to welcome the newly baptised and for families to see what goes on here).  If you are interested in booking a baptism, please contact the Vicar, who will be glad to made an arrangement to meet to talk with you.  Give her a call or better still come along to a church on a Sunday and speak to her after the service.

Adult Baptism

Adults who have not been baptised are prepared for both Baptism and Confirmation: please see our Vicar for more details and information about preparation for Confirmation.

For more information regarding Baptism, please click below: